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La Ménitré

Accueil > Welcome to La Ménitré > How to come to La Ménitré

How to come to La Ménitré

La Ménitré is a municipality of Maine-et-Loire department (49), included into the region of the Pays de la Loire. It is located at midway between Angers and Saumur, on the Loire banks tourist road.

Find here several transport facilities to come to La Ménitré.

By car

Axis Angers-Saumur following the Loire banks:
Drive on the road D952

Axis Angers-Saumur by inner road:
Drive on the road D347

Axis Angers-Saumur by the motorway:
Drive on the motorway A11, then the motorway A85 in direction of Saumur-Tours. Use the exit nb. 1 “Beaufort-en-Vallée”. Then drive on the road D144 and D7.

The car sharing in Maine-et-Loire

A web site is dedicated to car sharing in Maine-et-Loire as well as for the other main cities in the region:

By bus

Line 4 Angers-Saumur:
La Ménitré is served by the bus line nb 4, between Angers and Saumur, and return, of the Anjou-Bus network, under the authority of the Maine-et-Loire general council.
A time table is available at the city hall.
For more information call: 02-41-81-49-49
You can under load the map and the time table on:

By train

The city of La Ménitré has a SNCF railway station with many stops all along the day, allowing to join quickly Angers, Saumur and Tours. Around 15 regional trains stop the working days and 2 to 4 during the week-end days
A time table is available at the city hall.

For more information call to: 0 810 324 324 (local call fare) the working days only
You can also under load time tables on:

Parking facilities
Parking de la gare
Opened from June 2013, the station car park offers 120 places to park and 16 places for bicycles. Entrance is connected with D952 road, by an easier ramp for cars and buses. Pedestrians have a direct access to station platforms easily used by disable users.